高導的文章「恭喜一位 "Loser" 老友終於出頭天」裡頭提到他的一位朋友寫了一篇"Doing More With Less",講述他如何大半靠失業救濟金生活了六年。這篇文章很適合全文翻譯然後拿來全台演講,最好翻譯成一個名詞大肆推行,假扮專家。其中我特別喜歡這段:
Every once in a while I’ll find myself downtown in the middle of the day and I’ll see all the drones hustling this way and that with their pinched little waddles, looking at their watches and pouring Starbucks into their faces, and I’ll think, my God, I’m the luckiest bastard alive. Maybe I’ll have to pay for it on the back end and work as a Wal-Mart greeter when I’m 85, but then again, I’ll have a lot of company.試翻譯如下:
At some point recently, probably while you were listening to a Dan Brown audiobook on your commute, those decadent pinko, Socialist, pacifist, cheese-eating, nap-taking, 25-hour-workweek Europeans became the dominant economic power in the world. The EU is the new United States, and the United States is the new...Mexico?
And it’s not my fault, it’s because of people like you! High-earning workaholic assholes like you who feel entitled to buy big houses with gimmick mortgages and drive huge cars that force our government to subsidize gas prices, who run up credit card debt buying products you saw on your Chinese-made big-screen television and then vote Republican so you can pay less than your fair share of taxes!...
外國管理階層當著我面鄙夷的說,"There is no Apple in Taiwan for good reasons." 而我發現無法反駁。從教育著手,並且做得對的話,也許下個十年這些都會不同。經濟蕭條,正好給我們一些空間回顧自身,若不做些改變,還是守著拼命工作蒙頭亂衝的老路,總會有拿得更少、做得更拼的國家跳進來,把惡性循環變得更糟。
There are three ways to do anything faster:
- Work harder.
- Work smarter.
- Get help.
Really really interesting story