

以前我就 post 過這篇。英文附在後頭,翻譯在前頭,希望可以多點醒幾位傻蛋。這文章是我在 slashdot 看到的。

Re: 誰死了讓你變成老闆啦?
> 如果有人就是喜歡一直工作,為什麼不尊敬這點,去管你自己的生活就好?




John Nash 在 A Beautiful Mind 裡頭的策略還記得吧?如果硬要當那個愛表現超時工作的,下場也許是自己拿12分然後得腦瘤死掉。但如果大家合作,也許所有人都可拿10分,而且除了工作以外還可以擁有自己的人生。用腦想想吧,幹麼把自己做那麼賤?

Re:Who died and made you boss?
(Score:5, Insightful)
by Techguy666 (759128) on Wednesday June 27, @12:21PM (#19664409)

If someone likes working all the time, why not respect that and move on with your life?

As long as it doesn't intrude on my life, I'm all for that. However, if you work 24/7 and our mutual boss wants to know why I'm not accomplishing 20 tasks a day, that gets annoying and your work habit is affecting me. If our mutual boss decides to make you the "norm" and expects everyone to follow suit, then you've created an environment for burnout and your work habit is affecting me. If you get in the habit of working 24/7 and you catch a cold and come in to work anyway, and I catch your cold, your work habit is affecting me. You infect me with a cold and I'm staying home, dammit. You infect other, saner, people and they'll stay home too.

Allowing someone to behave detrimentally in a work environment sets a dangerous precedent because nobody works in a bubble; it changes the work culture to one that benefits the organization unequally over the individual, it creates health risks, and combined, potentially skews a society's economy. That's why I care if *you* work yourself to the bone. You're not only my colleague but you're a barometer of the world around me.

沒有留言 :
