重播系統是 Voyager2 300Bse amp 配上 Diatone P-610M 全音域單體。CD player 是一台老 rotel,open/close 按鈕已經被小孩按壞了。
然而,這裡卻需要捨得的藝術,因為低頻實在沒有。而更不幸的,沒有低頻實際上大大影響聲音表現,以 Getz & Gilberto 為例,Stan Getz 的薩克斯風一出,那種銅管的厚度硬是少了。整體說來,的確如黃老所述:圓融、形似如水墨寫意,卻非工筆雕塑。
換了好些張 CD。從bossa nova 一路到 electrica 與 industry metal ,從 Dido 與 Santana 動人的 Feels like fire 換到 Rammstein 的邪惡厚重德語呢喃,這系統在特定類型,例如人聲表現,極為強項,然而整體上維持了忠實自然的風格,以及一致自然甜美的聲底。
接下來換上 Waltz + Rogers LS 3/5A,相當聞名的組合。開聲沒多久,我笑了。沒錯,低頻。低頻出現了。剛才聽起來很客氣的 Pink Floyd 回復搖滾風味。該在的東西大約都出現了,當然極低頻與極高頻沒有,不過,先別要求那麼多。
那麼也許 3/5A 才是王道嗎?很抱歉,剛才 Diatone 上,那種韻味引起的感動…不見了。重播又回歸到了重播,聲音變回了我在音響店耳熟能詳的路子,還更好些。但,那種渾融的感覺沒有了。
隨便問問幾個器材用的還不錯的音響迷,絕大多數聽到 mp3 都會嗤之以鼻。首先 mp3 是破壞性壓縮,在好些的器材上聽起來,少了全頻段的響應,與一些必須的細節,就算壓到 320 kbps 這種 insane 的程度,聽來還是有差。這是其一。
其二是,mp3 代表了窮學生與窮人享受音樂。對部份玩音響的人而言,這是非常不符合炫耀心理的,當然要馬上反對。表示以自己的器材,mp3聽起來就像屁一樣。就在昨天,我在音響店混的時候,聽到老闆跟客人討論「高貴」的器材。老闆用一種崇敬的口氣說,奮鬥到能享受這些器材,也是一種幸福啊。此話確也言之成理,這可不是敗家的最佳藉口?
之後話題帶到 mp3,想當然爾,嗤之以鼻、搖頭嘆氣皆有之。再問他怎麼聽 mp3 的?他說,用電腦音效卡輸出。呵呵,mp3 先天已經不足,再拿個平價音效卡輸出到擴大機,當然不能跟他十數萬的 cd player 相提並論。
有趣的是,接下來他提到數位廣播,說他最近常聽。我問,好聽嗎?他說非常好聽,而且各種音樂輪番播放,拿來 run-in 非常適合。有些音質感覺比CD還好!他覺得,買了他那台昂貴的數位廣播收音機,非常值得!
於是我心想,該不該告訴他,數位廣播其實也是破壞性壓縮 (MPEG-1 Layer II),跟他之前看不起的 mp3 (MPEG-1 Layer III),其實是差不多的東西呢?
其二是,mp3 代表了窮學生與窮人享受音樂。對部份玩音響的人而言,這是非常不符合炫耀心理的,當然要馬上反對。表示以自己的器材,mp3聽起來就像屁一樣。就在昨天,我在音響店混的時候,聽到老闆跟客人討論「高貴」的器材。老闆用一種崇敬的口氣說,奮鬥到能享受這些器材,也是一種幸福啊。此話確也言之成理,這可不是敗家的最佳藉口?
之後話題帶到 mp3,想當然爾,嗤之以鼻、搖頭嘆氣皆有之。再問他怎麼聽 mp3 的?他說,用電腦音效卡輸出。呵呵,mp3 先天已經不足,再拿個平價音效卡輸出到擴大機,當然不能跟他十數萬的 cd player 相提並論。
有趣的是,接下來他提到數位廣播,說他最近常聽。我問,好聽嗎?他說非常好聽,而且各種音樂輪番播放,拿來 run-in 非常適合。有些音質感覺比CD還好!他覺得,買了他那台昂貴的數位廣播收音機,非常值得!
於是我心想,該不該告訴他,數位廣播其實也是破壞性壓縮 (MPEG-1 Layer II),跟他之前看不起的 mp3 (MPEG-1 Layer III),其實是差不多的東西呢?
硬體安裝完後進入XP,硬碟作動正常,裝完驅動程式,重開,看到了新磁碟。一切都平順的進行著。於是馬上進入下一步,拿出 Norton Ghost 開始複製原先的硬碟,30分鐘後完成備份完畢,一切正常,重開機進 Windows。
於是祭出 google 大法,找吧。很不幸地,似乎 ghost 不正式支援 RAID。但,原因真的是這個嗎?為了獨立問題,在 win 下建立新磁區,複製一些檔案進去,然後重開機。
資料…還是不見了。天啊,HighPoint這家公司也真敢,RAID為的就是 high availablity & data protection,會把資料弄不見的產品,他也敢賣啊?
好吧,如此大概不關 ghost 的事情了。更新驅動程式跟 RAID 卡 BIOS 試試吧。用軟碟開機…執行update程式…重開機…建立磁區…隨便複製幾個檔案…重開機…
好,這次資料活下來了。這麼大的 bug 還沒修完就出貨了… 算你狠,真是敢啊。
重開機到 ghost,設定備份…去睡覺。不等了。
第二天一早,很好,又備份完畢了。重開機,進 Windows…很好,新磁區都抓到了,新系統磁碟代號為 H:,舊系統仍在熟悉的 C:。重開機,進主機板 BIOS,設成由 RAID 卡開機,儲存後重開… 成功進入 XP。
可是…系統碟變成 H 了,但所有程式仍然是參考 C。嘖,既然如此,舊硬碟乾脆拔掉看你參考不參考…關機,拆機箱,拔硬碟,開機…
他馬的白癡 windows,明明系統裡又沒其他硬碟,你幹嘛不好好的當 C 碟咧?關機,裝回舊硬碟,開機… 成功。
好吧,生氣,我手動改可以吧… 於是嘗試改磁碟機代號… 警告,不管,硬改…還是警告?火大… 看我把你刪了… 重開,當。
啊啊,我才剛把舊硬碟磁區刪除,你竟然當了那我怎麼辦哪??我所有心血… 頓時一股絕望感湧出…
別怕,什麼大風大浪沒見過,不過是刪除分隔區罷了,資料還好好的在那裡。祭出 spfdisk,這麼好用的軟體可是台灣人的大作呢!一陣努力,很好,舊硬碟資料救回。可是,問題還是沒解決啊,新硬碟還是不能開機。
用舊碟進 Windows,刪除新硬碟中所有自動配給的磁碟代號,把他們通通變成無名氏。關機,拔舊碟,開機,進 spfdisk ,重建新硬碟 MBR,重開…
進了,終於進 Windows 了,登上喜瑪拉雅山大約感覺也不過如此!
唉,同樣的動作若是在 Linux 下,簡直簡單的不像話。 Bill Gates,我真是猜不透你啊。
1. RAID 是 online 的保護,主要是提供 high availablity 而不是備份功能。不能完全信任。若有其他硬碟,設定定時備份至另一顆硬碟是個不錯的方法。
2. offline 的保護,視資料大小來決定媒體。一般人文件多半在一張 CD 大小內,定時燒錄即可。若資料量大,DVD亦可。新的 DVD-ROM 規格看來不錯,或許有取代磁帶機的可能。
HighPoint RocketRAID 1640、Norton Ghost
硬體安裝完後進入XP,硬碟作動正常,裝完驅動程式,重開,看到了新磁碟。一切都平順的進行著。於是馬上進入下一步,拿出 Norton Ghost 開始複製原先的硬碟,30分鐘後完成備份完畢,一切正常,重開機進 Windows。
於是祭出 google 大法,找吧。很不幸地,似乎 ghost 不正式支援 RAID。但,原因真的是這個嗎?為了獨立問題,在 win 下建立新磁區,複製一些檔案進去,然後重開機。
資料…還是不見了。天啊,HighPoint這家公司也真敢,RAID為的就是 high availablity & data protection,會把資料弄不見的產品,他也敢賣啊?
好吧,如此大概不關 ghost 的事情了。更新驅動程式跟 RAID 卡 BIOS 試試吧。用軟碟開機…執行update程式…重開機…建立磁區…隨便複製幾個檔案…重開機…
好,這次資料活下來了。這麼大的 bug 還沒修完就出貨了… 算你狠,真是敢啊。
重開機到 ghost,設定備份…去睡覺。不等了。
第二天一早,很好,又備份完畢了。重開機,進 Windows…很好,新磁區都抓到了,新系統磁碟代號為 H:,舊系統仍在熟悉的 C:。重開機,進主機板 BIOS,設成由 RAID 卡開機,儲存後重開… 成功進入 XP。
可是…系統碟變成 H 了,但所有程式仍然是參考 C。嘖,既然如此,舊硬碟乾脆拔掉看你參考不參考…關機,拆機箱,拔硬碟,開機…
他馬的白癡 windows,明明系統裡又沒其他硬碟,你幹嘛不好好的當 C 碟咧?關機,裝回舊硬碟,開機… 成功。
好吧,生氣,我手動改可以吧… 於是嘗試改磁碟機代號… 警告,不管,硬改…還是警告?火大… 看我把你刪了… 重開,當。
啊啊,我才剛把舊硬碟磁區刪除,你竟然當了那我怎麼辦哪??我所有心血… 頓時一股絕望感湧出…
別怕,什麼大風大浪沒見過,不過是刪除分隔區罷了,資料還好好的在那裡。祭出 spfdisk,這麼好用的軟體可是台灣人的大作呢!一陣努力,很好,舊硬碟資料救回。可是,問題還是沒解決啊,新硬碟還是不能開機。
用舊碟進 Windows,刪除新硬碟中所有自動配給的磁碟代號,把他們通通變成無名氏。關機,拔舊碟,開機,進 spfdisk ,重建新硬碟 MBR,重開…
進了,終於進 Windows 了,登上喜瑪拉雅山大約感覺也不過如此!
唉,同樣的動作若是在 Linux 下,簡直簡單的不像話。 Bill Gates,我真是猜不透你啊。
1. RAID 是 online 的保護,主要是提供 high availablity 而不是備份功能。不能完全信任。若有其他硬碟,設定定時備份至另一顆硬碟是個不錯的方法。
2. offline 的保護,視資料大小來決定媒體。一般人文件多半在一張 CD 大小內,定時燒錄即可。若資料量大,DVD亦可。新的 DVD-ROM 規格看來不錯,或許有取代磁帶機的可能。
HighPoint RocketRAID 1640、Norton Ghost
裝上去後,大失所望。比起原本P4原廠風扇加上顯示卡風扇的高頻噪音已經好太多了,但電源供應器以及水冷側排風扇聲仍然很大。於是只好繼續花錢,買了新款電源供應器,具有 12cm 風扇、溫控功能,以及 active PFC (power factor compensator)。電源升級也是遲早的,就花了吧。
電源供應器寄到家後,興沖沖裝到凌晨三點。開機之後,發現電源供應器的聲音一旦消失,水冷側排風扇聲音就變得很明顯。算了,現在只好等下週去買 Panaflo 的靜音風扇了。對 silent pc 上的人來說,到最後最吵的是硬碟,我大概可以體會那種感覺。
裝上去後,大失所望。比起原本P4原廠風扇加上顯示卡風扇的高頻噪音已經好太多了,但電源供應器以及水冷側排風扇聲仍然很大。於是只好繼續花錢,買了新款電源供應器,具有 12cm 風扇、溫控功能,以及 active PFC (power factor compensator)。電源升級也是遲早的,就花了吧。
電源供應器寄到家後,興沖沖裝到凌晨三點。開機之後,發現電源供應器的聲音一旦消失,水冷側排風扇聲音就變得很明顯。算了,現在只好等下週去買 Panaflo 的靜音風扇了。對 silent pc 上的人來說,到最後最吵的是硬碟,我大概可以體會那種感覺。
Ghost in the Shell II (Innocence)

中文名為「攻殼機動隊二」,非常好的電影,音樂與畫風都在水準之上,光這兩點就值得一看。不過當然要講押井守,重點絕對是內容,而且在網路時代,如果對於 Matrix 那類的「實境」與「虛境」哲學辯證感到趣味,那麼這部電影將此辨證又再進一步。
故事由此展開,「靈魂」與「實體」,「機器」與「人類」,「造物主」與「被造物」之間種種可能,種種思考,整個被壓縮在短短 100 分鐘的動畫。這不是看一遍就夠的。
In the pursuit of a better digital audio source
將華碩主機板內建的音效卡 spdif out 接到時基校正器,接數位禪一代 DAC,然後進綜合擴大機。播放直接用 foobar2000 播 EAC 抓下來的 cue + wav,resample 到 48 KHz.
另一邊是,Revox B226 接綜合擴大機,直接放CD.
電腦的各種聲音(人聲跟樂器)形體都太龐大,解析很差,saxophone 的換氣,人聲的喉音等等全不見了,AB Test 一做,我就知道用電腦當音源器的夢暫時還得等等…
懷疑主要問題是出在 44.1 KHz -> 48 KHz 的 resample,因為音效晶片只能用48輸出。
我一直認為硬碟會是比任何 CD 轉盤更好的數位訊源,然而在實行過程中卻一直碰到許多問題。最大的問題我想會是在數位輸出的時基誤差,以及 44.1 KHz 到輸出的「直通」。
另一邊是,Revox B226 接綜合擴大機,直接放CD.
電腦的各種聲音(人聲跟樂器)形體都太龐大,解析很差,saxophone 的換氣,人聲的喉音等等全不見了,AB Test 一做,我就知道用電腦當音源器的夢暫時還得等等…
懷疑主要問題是出在 44.1 KHz -> 48 KHz 的 resample,因為音效晶片只能用48輸出。
我一直認為硬碟會是比任何 CD 轉盤更好的數位訊源,然而在實行過程中卻一直碰到許多問題。最大的問題我想會是在數位輸出的時基誤差,以及 44.1 KHz 到輸出的「直通」。
Really really interesting story
Sir Ernest Rutherford, President of the Royal Academy, and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics, related the following story.
Some time ago I received a call from a colleague. He was about to give a student a zero for his answer to a physics question, while the student claimed a perfect score. The instructor and the student agreed to an impartial arbiter, and I was selected.
I read the examination question: "Show how it is possible to determine the height of a tall building with the aid of a barometer." The student had answered: "Take the barometer to the top of the building, attach a long rope to it, lower it to the street, and then bring it up, measuring the length of the rope. The length of the rope is the height of the building."
The student really had a strong case for full credit since he had really answered the question completely and correctly! On the other hand, if fullcredit were given, it could well contribute to a high grade in his physics course and certify competence in physics, but the answer did not confirm this.
I suggested that the student have another try. I gave the student six minutes to answer the question with the warning that the answer should show some knowledge of physics. At the end of five minutes, he hadn't written anything. I asked if he wished to give up, but he said he had many answers to this problem; he was just thinking of the best one. I excused myself for interrupting him and asked him to please go on.
In the next minute, he dashed off his answer, which read: "Take the barometer to the top of the building and lean over the edge of the roof. Drop the barometer, timing its fall with a stopwatch. Then, using the formula x=0.5*a*t^2, calculate the height of the building." At this point, I asked my colleague if he would give up. He conceded, and gave the student almost full credit.
While leaving my colleague's office, I recalled that the student had said that he had other answers to the problem, so I asked him what they were.
"Well," said the student, "there are many ways of getting the height of a tall building with the aid of a barometer.
For example, you could take the barometer out on a sunny day and measure the height of the barometer, the length of its shadow, and the length of the shadow of the building, and by the use of simple proportion, determine the height of the building."
"Fine," I said, "and others?"
"Yes," said the student, "there is a very basic measurement method you will like. In this method, you take the barometer and begin to walk up the stairs. As you climb the stairs, you mark off the length of the barometer along the wall. You then count the number of marks, and this will give you the height of the building in barometer units." "A very direct method."
"Of course. If you want a more sophisticated method, you can tie the barometer to the end of a string, swing it as a pendulum, and determine the value of g [gravity] at the street level and at the top of the building. From the difference between the two values of g, the height of the building, in principle, can be calculated."
"On this same tack, you could take the barometer to the top of the building, attach a long rope to it, lower it to just above the street, and then swing it as a pendulum. You could then calculate the height of the building by the period of the precession".
"Finally," he concluded, "there are many other ways of solving the problem. Probably the best," he said, "is to take the barometer to the basement and knock on the superintendent's door. When the superintendent answers, you speak to him as follows: 'Mr. Superintendent, here is a fine barometer. If you will tell me the height of the building, I will give you this barometer."
At this point, I asked the student if he really did not know the conventional answer to this question. He admitted that he did, but said that he was fed up with high school and college instructors trying to teach him how to think.
The name of the student was Niels Bohr. (1885-1962) Danish Physicist; Nobel Prize 1922; best known for proposing the first 'model' of the atom with protons & neutrons, and various energy state of the surrounding electrons -- the familiar icon of the small nucleus circled by three elliptical orbits... but more significantly, an innovator in Quantum Theory.
Some time ago I received a call from a colleague. He was about to give a student a zero for his answer to a physics question, while the student claimed a perfect score. The instructor and the student agreed to an impartial arbiter, and I was selected.
I read the examination question: "Show how it is possible to determine the height of a tall building with the aid of a barometer." The student had answered: "Take the barometer to the top of the building, attach a long rope to it, lower it to the street, and then bring it up, measuring the length of the rope. The length of the rope is the height of the building."
The student really had a strong case for full credit since he had really answered the question completely and correctly! On the other hand, if fullcredit were given, it could well contribute to a high grade in his physics course and certify competence in physics, but the answer did not confirm this.
I suggested that the student have another try. I gave the student six minutes to answer the question with the warning that the answer should show some knowledge of physics. At the end of five minutes, he hadn't written anything. I asked if he wished to give up, but he said he had many answers to this problem; he was just thinking of the best one. I excused myself for interrupting him and asked him to please go on.
In the next minute, he dashed off his answer, which read: "Take the barometer to the top of the building and lean over the edge of the roof. Drop the barometer, timing its fall with a stopwatch. Then, using the formula x=0.5*a*t^2, calculate the height of the building." At this point, I asked my colleague if he would give up. He conceded, and gave the student almost full credit.
While leaving my colleague's office, I recalled that the student had said that he had other answers to the problem, so I asked him what they were.
"Well," said the student, "there are many ways of getting the height of a tall building with the aid of a barometer.
For example, you could take the barometer out on a sunny day and measure the height of the barometer, the length of its shadow, and the length of the shadow of the building, and by the use of simple proportion, determine the height of the building."
"Fine," I said, "and others?"
"Yes," said the student, "there is a very basic measurement method you will like. In this method, you take the barometer and begin to walk up the stairs. As you climb the stairs, you mark off the length of the barometer along the wall. You then count the number of marks, and this will give you the height of the building in barometer units." "A very direct method."
"Of course. If you want a more sophisticated method, you can tie the barometer to the end of a string, swing it as a pendulum, and determine the value of g [gravity] at the street level and at the top of the building. From the difference between the two values of g, the height of the building, in principle, can be calculated."
"On this same tack, you could take the barometer to the top of the building, attach a long rope to it, lower it to just above the street, and then swing it as a pendulum. You could then calculate the height of the building by the period of the precession".
"Finally," he concluded, "there are many other ways of solving the problem. Probably the best," he said, "is to take the barometer to the basement and knock on the superintendent's door. When the superintendent answers, you speak to him as follows: 'Mr. Superintendent, here is a fine barometer. If you will tell me the height of the building, I will give you this barometer."
At this point, I asked the student if he really did not know the conventional answer to this question. He admitted that he did, but said that he was fed up with high school and college instructors trying to teach him how to think.
The name of the student was Niels Bohr. (1885-1962) Danish Physicist; Nobel Prize 1922; best known for proposing the first 'model' of the atom with protons & neutrons, and various energy state of the surrounding electrons -- the familiar icon of the small nucleus circled by three elliptical orbits... but more significantly, an innovator in Quantum Theory.