

2016 總統大選第一場候選人電視政見發表會後,朱立倫「阿嬤勸進說」爆紅,網路上各種調侃紛紛出現。發表會沒看,反而是從這些突然冒出的調侃,才得知朱說過這話。當下心裡聯想到的,並不是阿嬤勸進有什麼可笑之處,實際上我覺得一點也沒有。反倒是想到一部老電影,1990 年「走夜路的男人」(The Bonfire of the Vanities),裡頭 Morgan Freeman 飾演法官那段擲地有聲的話:

Racist? You dare call me racist? Well I say unto you, what does it matter the color of a man's skin if witnesses perjure themselves. If a prosecutor enlists the perjurers. When a district attorney throws a man to the mob for political gain, and men of the cloth, men of God, take the prime cuts? Is that justice?

I don't hear you...

I'll tell you what justice is. Justice is the law, and the law is man's feeble attempt to set down the principles of decency. Decency! And decency is not a deal. It isn't an angle, or a contract, or a hustle! Decency... decency is what your grandmother taught you. It's in your bones! Now you go home. Go home and be decent people. Be decent.

- from IMDb




非常喜歡最後那句:Be decent. 多麼簡單,卻又多麼困難。我們立身處事,有沒有讓自己阿嬤丟臉呢?