

這篇東西大抵主要是寫給自己看的。近來重拾 Java,感覺彷彿回到過去求學的美好年代。那時寫程式注重的是思考累積,不重造輪子,每次開發出來的東西都是新的,累加上去使得軟體越變越好。著重的是思考,而不僅是 know-how。

怎料到一畢業進入的就是 embedded linux 這樣一個黑手領域,在這裡,很多東西都得自己動手,種種資源都受限制,現有的 solution 或許很好,但卻太過龐然,常常得手工打造,與應用層面的開發完全不同。做了兩年多下來,除了深深愛上 open source 以外,竟也慢慢體會到,深入系統面之後,對於上層如何運作,又有了另一層的看法。

我深信 Linux 加上 Java 會是很好的組合。他們的技術開放,而非大軟體公司鞏斷的黑箱,使用者不用擔心被軟體綁架。價格低廉、品質優良,這樣的組合正可以滿足我對軟體的看法:它應該造福人群,而人們不需為它付出高昂的價格。它應該是以全人類共有的公共財來發展,得之於人群,亦回饋至人群。








Daily Press Briefing
Adam Ereli, Deputy Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 2, 2006


QUESTION: Sorry. I have one question about Taiwan. After the U.S. expressed a certain level of relief or a satisfaction about Taiwan's authority, not abolishing the Unification Council. Some officials in Taiwan stated that there's no difference between abolish and cease to function. The reality is the Council is terminated and President Chen hardly made any compromise. He still did what he said he would do. So is there any gap between the U.S. understanding and Taiwanese understanding about the wording in the final outcome?

MR. ERELI: No. There's no -- there shouldn't be any gap or difference of opinion here. President Chen's assurances were quite clear that the NUC had not been abolished. We've seen the reports of comments attributed to other party officials. We've been informed by the Taiwanese that these officials have been misquoted and the reports are not accurate. And it is our understanding from the authorities in Taiwan that the action they took on February 27th was deliberately designed not to change the status quo, and that was made clear in a statement by President Chen and that -- We have every confidence and assurance that President Chen -- the statements made by President Chen are reflective of his policy and his party's policy.

QUESTION: And have you reached out then to express your displeasure about his cabinet members or officials to have a statement like that?

MR. ERELI: We think that the statements and assurances of the president are -- as I said, reflect the policy and position of the government and those in the president's party.



Press Statement
Adam Ereli, Deputy Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 2, 2006

Taiwan – Senior Taiwan Officials’ Comments on National Unification Council

We have seen reports that senior Taiwan officials have said, with respect to the National Unification Council, that there is no distinction between "abolish" and "ceasing activity" and that the effect of Taiwan’s action earlier this week was to abolish the Council.

We have been informed, however, that the reports misquoted Taiwan officials. We expect the Taiwan authorities publicly to correct the record and unambiguously affirm that the February 27 announcement did not abolish the National Unification Council, did not change the status quo, and that the assurances remain in effect.

Our understanding from the authorities in Taiwan was that the action Taiwan took on February 27 was deliberately designed not to change the status quo, as Chen Shui-bian made clear in his 7-point statement.

Abrogating an assurance would be changing the status quo, and that would be contrary to that understanding.

We believe the maintenance of Taiwan’s assurances is critical to preservation of the status quo. Our firm policy is that there should be no unilateral change in the status quo, as we have said many times.





自己出來接案,為的是更貼近程式碼的使用者。依照用家的需求做出最好的程式,這才是比較有意義的行為:尖端技術的開發自有人負責,但總要有人創造高度技術與一般用家的橋樑。以軟體公司為例,Google 就是很好的例子,技術能力已經是世界最強,然而出品的服務卻易於被普羅大眾接受,改善了人們的生活。


回想起來這週是在模糊中度過的。主要時間花在找生意,以及自我宣傳。草擬廣告、寫經歷、作品介紹,想辦法把自己推銷出去。在 104 以及 jcase 登記並且付款,開始瀏覽一大堆的發案資料,寄出提案信函。另外從頭到尾整理一次自己的通訊錄,寄信騷擾大家,請大家幫我介紹案子等等。
